
All rips are lossless. What you see below (on the homepage) are my recent rips and are not listed on my archived lists on the left side. FOR REQUESTS ON MISSING FILES, contributions to the project, corrections or suggestions, PLEASE USE THE CONTACT FORM.

DEFINITION: Vinyl Exclusives

Releases or tracks that were released on vinyl and only vinyl. These do not exist anywhere else in their entirety, on any other available format other than wax.

DEFINITION: Released on CD or Digital

Releases or tracks that may be found on official or (mostly) unofficial CD's such as compilations and the sort, or merchant sites - but were ripped from their vinyl versions.

About The Project & Myself

This obscure corner of the internet is a project where passionate contributors can help piece together and immortalize a database of music that is either hard to, or impossible to find in the ultimate pursuit of ensuring no music is left unheard and forever forgotten.

Send me message via the contact form at the bottom of this page if you would like to help the cause.

All the files you’ll find are rips from records that I’ve purchased with money through wage slavery over the years, you are of course welcome.

I will continue to work - where the complacent will not - in order to unravel the mysteries retained on records that have no audio sample references.

The site as it currently stands is an ambitious work in progress where I will continue to implement more user friendly features where time outside the day job permits.

What is after all, the point in creating art with a transactional intent, when there is nobody to witness it?

Happy digging!

With love, and a big fat middle finger to the greedy gatekeeping hoarders.

PS. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive automatic updates of exclusive uploads.

Technical Info

Each file has a certain creation date which should be present by its metadata as shown by your OS.
Here is an OCD list of the setups and cleaning methods I used prior to ripping which correspond to those dates.

2010-2011: Numark TTUSB + Shure M35x cartridge
Method: Submerged in a dilution of a generic non-alcoholic concentrate with tap water followed by rinse and cloth dry.

2012-2015: Stanton ST150 + Grado Prestige Black Series cartridge
Method: Sprayed with a tyre cleaning foaming surfactant, wiped down with a synthetic sponge multiple times then cloth dried.

2016-2018: Pioneer PLX 500 + Shure Whitelabel cartridge
Method: Same as above.

2019-2021: Project Debut DC Carbon + Ortofon M2 Red
Method: Sprayed with a flea-market type record cleaning solution, wiped down with a synthetic sponge then dried with a micro-fibre cloth.

2022-Present - Project Debut DC Carbon + Ortofon M2 Blue
Method: Project VC-E vacuum cleaner. Best result so far.

Will accept requests to re-rip a record of your choice if needed.

Donations of course would be welcome for a Kirmuss Ultrasonic cleaner ;)

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